Anti-Slavery Policy

At Lloyd Concrete Co. Limited, we maintain a steadfast commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to slavery. We are dedicated to preventing any acts of slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain. Moreover, we extend these high standards to our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners.

To fulfil this commitment, we have undertaken the following initiatives:

1. Staff Awareness: We have ensured that our staff is well-informed about the Modern Slavery Act, including its comprehensive definitions of slavery and human trafficking.

2. Reporting Procedures: Our staff is educated on the steps to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking. We encourage transparency and vigilance in reporting any concerns.

3. Supplier and Partner Engagement: We have proactively engaged with our suppliers and partners, particularly those in potentially higher-risk categories, to assess and verify the assurance arrangements they have in place to combat slavery and human trafficking.

4. Policy Review: We have conducted a thorough review of our Whistleblowing Policy, reinforcing our commitment to providing a safe and effective mechanism for reporting concerns related to slavery and human trafficking.

These procedures are strategically designed to achieve the following objectives:

- Identification and Assessment: Identify and assess potential risk areas within our business and supply chains to ensure thorough risk management.

- Risk Reduction: Take proactive measures to reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains.

- Ongoing Monitoring: Continuously monitor potential risk areas within our business and supply chains to stay vigilant and responsive to emerging challenges.

- Whistle-blower Protection: Provide robust protection for whistle-blowers, fostering an environment where individuals feel safe and empowered to report concerns related to slavery and human trafficking.

This Anti-Slavery Policy reflects our unwavering commitment to ethical business practices and human rights. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards and actively contribute to the global efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking.

James Lloyd

Managing Director*